Friday, December 9, 2011

I've been enjoying making the analogy between quitting smoking and making any kind of personal change in one's life.  How so?

1.  Its gonna hurt a bit.  Panic may set in.  Its uncomfortable.  You just have to wait it out.
2.  For me at least, I start to blame someone, for my state, or at least wonder what they will think if I give it up and start smoking again.  Thus illuminated - the state of needing to learn self motivation, and self reinforcement.  Do I want to quit or not?  Do I want to change or not?  Why am I looking outside for validation and judgment?
3.  The habit rears its head.  You reach for the soma, the pacifier, the drug, the safety.  Its not there.
4.  Replacement is useful, temporarily.  As in, I'm staying drunk, until I don't want a smoke.  Or I'm staying drunk until I start writing this blog again regularly.
5.  I'm not that drunk.
6.  It is much cheaper to not do things based on addiction and habit, not only financially, or healthwise, but mentally and lifewise too.
7.  My mantra - there is time for what you do.

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